Interview: Pant/Felipe Pantone

Very early on in school you get taught how to write, and shortly after you are taught how to write in cursive, or “conjoined” writing. Fast forward a few years and you’re tearing up the neighbourhood with a spray can, learning the ways of graffiti writing – the graffiti handstyle. As awesome as it is to find out about artists with their own grafffiti-based handstyle, it’s just as refreshing to see an artist like Pant pull off that cursive style, revived with a spray can.
I first saw Pant’s work circulating around the internet – a photo of a tag asking “You don’t wanna buff this, do you?” – but couldn’t find out who the artist was. Maybe a year later, I luckily came across his Instagram page and found out not only that he was the source of the handstyle, but also that he had more in his arsenal. Being a fan of Handstyler already, he was super responsive when asked if he could answer a few questions about his style. So here are his answers…

“I guess tags is the first thing you do when you start painting”

For those who don’t know, whatโ€™s your artist name/word, and where are you based?

I am Felipe Pantone, I write Pant, UltraBoyz, and I live in Valencia, Spain.

How long have you been doing graffiti for?

Since 1998.

“Phrases that I think make sense with a calligraphic universal look, even though theyโ€™re basically a dirty fat cap tag”

When did you start focusing on handstyles?

Since the very beginning, I guess tags is the first thing you do when you start painting.

Compared to other graffiti artists, the tags you’ve posted on your Instagram are extremely cursive-based. Have you always had an interest in cursive or calligraphy, and if so, how did that come about?

I started this series with the phrase “You donโ€™t wanna buff this, do you?”. I painted several times this particular shutter with my name, classical graffiti tag, and it got buffed next day. Then I thought that if I made another “tag”, using also astro fat cap like the ones before, but using a universally “beautiful” style they would like it and they wonโ€™t buff it. And so they did – the calligraphy remained. I’m pretty sure these shop owners in Spain donโ€™t understand English and didnโ€™t care about the message.

After this one, I continued the series writing “Politically correct” and some other phrases that I think make sense with a calligraphic universal look, even though theyโ€™re basically a dirty fat cap tag.

“I started this series with the phrase “You donโ€™t wanna buff this, do you?””

What have been your inspirations on your handstyle, both inside and outside of graffiti?

Yes, like every graffiti writer, Iโ€™ve always studied tags, in a way. Also I have an interest in any kind of letters, in calligraphy, lettering, typography, so all this obviously influences me.

Your pieces are heavily influenced by digital art and graphic design. Which came first – graffiti or graphic design?

Graffiti. I started painting when I was a kid. When I grew up I discovered that the letters offered way more possibilities that what I learnt from graffiti only so I felt like not settling.

“Also I have an interest in any kind of letters, in calligraphy, lettering, typography, so all this obviously influences me.”

If you could only do tags with one tool for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?

Probably Montana Black with Original cap. I also like astro fat cap but those monster tags donโ€™t fit everywhere.

Within your city, are there any other writers to look out for that have quality handstyles?

For sure. Not only in my city but also in my crew. Dems is a killer, Form, Golden Green, Luceโ€ฆ

“Like every graffiti writer, I’ve always studied tags”

Have you come across any new artists with sick handstyles via Handstyler?

Sure. I specially liked finding Kanser BYE. I had seen some amazing stuff coming from him but I didnโ€™t know where he was from and it was good to see.

Where can readers find more of your work online, and follow your progress?

@felipepantone on Instagram

Felipe Pantone UB on Facebook

Whatโ€™s one song youโ€™d recommend everyone to listen to whilst checking out the rest of your stuff?

Some John Talabot session.

Best wishes, from Pant UB!

Any shout outs?

Thanks everyone for reading.

Check out more of Pant’s work at the below links:

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